Brodo primordiale | Alessandra La Marca (Copia)


Brodo Primordiale (Primordial Broth)
Artist : Alessandra La Marca
Circulation: Single work
Dimensions: 35x25cm
Work made in Italy
Material : cotton oil paper and watercolor
Year: 2023
Artwork Description: Paper with subject matter referencing the story titled “Figure Caleidoscopiche (Kaleidoscopic Figures).”

Figure Caleidoscopiche (Kaleidoscopic figures)(fragment)
Submerged within the marine waters of the primordial layer, amidst sizzling lands and fiery lavas, microscopic, round, and filamentous Blue-green Algae seduced Luminous Rays. It seemed like a chemistry of love, the very first of its kind.
The Luminous Rays traveled in sinuous motions. Originally conceived by the Sun, the nurturing star that sent them far away to the enigmatic Earth, a planet tinted in a diffused blue, where the newly born Blue-green Algae swayed in both fresh and marine waters. Nobody was aware of what was about to unfold; almost inconspicuously, they were gearing up to trigger a revolution.
Like an involuntary action, the innermost organs within them began to activate peculiar mechanisms, capable of enticing the Luminous Rays.
Such an intense attraction had never been witnessed before, so unusual that it seemed absurd.
Some say those tiny blue existences and light bearers initiated the breath of life.

Private deal
To contact 00393336473615 Chiamaci ora
Via Ascanio Sforza 69, Milan



Title : Brodo Primordiale (Primordial broth)
Artist : Alessandra La Marca
Circulation: Single work
Dimensions : 35×25
Work made in Italy
Material : cotton oil paper and watercolor
Year: 2023
Artwork Description: Paper with subject matter referencing the story titled “Figure Caleidoscopiche (Kaleidoscopic Figures).”


Figure Caleidoscopiche (Kaleidoscopic figures)(fragment)
Submerged within the marine waters of the primordial layer, amidst sizzling lands and fiery lavas, microscopic, round, and filamentous Blue-green Algae seduced Luminous Rays. It seemed like a chemistry of love, the very first of its kind.
The Luminous Rays traveled in sinuous motions. Originally conceived by the Sun, the nurturing star that sent them far away to the enigmatic Earth, a planet tinted in a diffused blue, where the newly born Blue-green Algae swayed in both fresh and marine waters. Nobody was aware of what was about to unfold; almost inconspicuously, they were gearing up to trigger a revolution.
Like an involuntary action, the innermost organs within them began to activate peculiar mechanisms, capable of enticing the Luminous Rays.
Such an intense attraction had never been witnessed before, so unusual that it seemed absurd.
Some say those tiny blue existences and light bearers initiated the breath of life.
Including white frame with glass

This proposal includes instagram graphic design.


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